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Week 3 - Telling a Story
Weekly trailer (0:32)
Why it is so important to tell a story together with our bondage (10:07)
Technical recap
Tying strong on the lower body (3:42)
EXERCIS: Wrapping a leg
Suspending yourself, a rigger challenge (6:21)
EXERCIS: Self-suspension
New techniques
Playing with pain (18:00)
EXERCIS: Try out adrenalin and endorphins
Stable ties on the legs (8:50)
Using the leg tie in suspension (9:39)
EXERCIS: Make half-suspension using a leg tie
Stable ties on the butt (10:10)
Using the butt tie for suspension (3:37)
EXERCIS: Make a half-suspension using the butt tie
Working with heavy load (4:42)
Video: Tie-off on rope (0:46)
Video: Tie-off on carbine (1:04)
EXERCIS: Suspend an heavy object
Building trust (9:14)
Diagram: Two dimensions of trust
EXERCIS: Build trust using different tools
Miss Julie, a story (3:55)
Romeo & Juliette, a story (6:51)
Handmaid's Tale, a story (4:13)
EXERCIS: One, two, or three tales
Warm-up for the ritual (11:39)
EXERCIS: Zero to 100
Can I use you like this? (10:52)
EXERCIS: The ritual
Quiz of the week
Tying the week together (6:38)
Playing with pain
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