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Week 2 - A Dialogue in Rope
Weekly trailer (0:32)
Being held in rope, and the role of gravity (7:37)
Technical recap
Being uneven and chaotic (5:21)
EXERCIS: Chaotic repetition of last week
New techniques
Stable ties on the upper body (7:29)
EXERCIS: Completing the upper body tie
Attaching a suspension rope to the body (5:42)
EXERCIS: Trying out a suspension line on the ground
Securing the suspension rope to a bamboo (or beam) (3:27)
Securing the suspension rope to a ring (or carbine) (2:00)
Making a rope shortener (1:59)
Holding the body with ropes (2:51)
EXERCIS: Hold the body in rope
Checking your hands for nerve and circulation problems (20:48)
Evaluating your ropes (7:10)
Creating a suspension point (6:29)
Tying blindfolded (3:33)
DEMONSTRATION: Me tying blindfolded (5:36)
EXERCIS: Blindfolded session
Four ways of touching (7:38)
EXERCIS: Try out four ways of touch
Pause and witness (6:20)
EXERCIS: Do the weekly ritual
Quiz of the week
Tying the week together (3:48)
Making a rope shortener
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